Sunday, September 1, 2013

I Don't Quit Until I Cross The Finish Line.

I only "quit" when I have successfully completed a task. And in such situations, the word means taking a moment to relish my success.
Having achieved what I set out for, I can now rest and be pleased with myself.
If exhaustion, anger or despair seem to bring me close to quitting, I pause for a moment and catch my breath. However dire things may look, I know I can always come out ahead, so I choose to win instead of quit.
I have the resources to see anything through to the end. I have resolve, staying power, and great inner strength that allow me to keep going. I can work through, around, or over anything.
There is always a way because I always have the will.
I believe that quitting prevents me from living up to the desires of my Creator.
I was made with strengths perfectly suited to the challenges that arise in my life.
My strengths define me and I am able to push through any situation.
Today, I approach each challenge with my eyes on the prize.
I don't let what-ifs and maybes distract me along the way.
I believe in my abilities to overcome them and press on, because I am a winner.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How do I motivate myself to persevere?
2. Am I convinced that I have what it takes to do anything I aspire to?
3. Are there times when I am hard on myself because I feel challenged to complete a task? How could I be more supportive?
Best of health, wealth & happiness to you, Reggie Cochran

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