Monday, October 21, 2013

Today Is The First Day...

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. So today I will make the rest of my life, the best of my life!
Every action I take today, will lead me one step closer to achieving my goals & living the ultimate lifestyle of my choice.
I have no fear or doubt. The only person who can stop me, is me. And I will not stop myself from living my dreams.
I am full of abundant energy that allows me to accomplish everything I need or want to, in record time.
When I go to bed tonight, I will be healthier, wealthier & wiser than I am right now.
When I wake up in the morning, I will be even healthier, wealthier and wiser than when I go to sleep.
Best of health, wealth & happiness to you, Reggie Cochran

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Prosperity is my destiny.

I am destined to prosper!
Today, I claim prosperity in my life.
I know that living consciously, focusing my thoughts and actions on what I value most, will bring success, understanding and happiness.
Prosperity can be achieved in many different ways, and every day I find at least one way that I am prosperous.
When I sit and reflect at the end of each day, I smile because I recognize how I have flourished.
I take care of my body by eating right and getting lots of rest.
When I look in the mirror, I see how my skin thrives from my healthy lifestyle.
I pass my medical examinations with flying colors each time. I know I am prosperous from the point of view of my health!
I work on building strong relationships with those around me.
When I spend time nurturing my relationships, they grow more solid each day and thrive from the attention I lavish on them.
I have prosperous relationships with others.
I know that I am destined to flourish continually because I consciously make choices that are conducive to my prosperity.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How can I increase my feelings of prosperity from my health, relationships, finances, and more?
2. How can I teach my children that prosperity means more than having financial wealth?
3. Do I try to reassure others around me when things aren't going as well as they want?
Best of health, wealth & happiness, Reggie Cochran

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I am the perfect weight for me

I am the perfect weight for me.
My body is the perfect shape and size for me.
I strive to eat healthy foods, but I am free of the need to be perfect.
When I slip and eat an unhealthy food, I simply strive to do better the next time.
Eating well is quite easy for me. I love healthy foods.
I am blessed to have such an amazing body that is capable of amazing things.
Many beautiful people have the same body shape as I do. I am beautiful.
I find that my body naturally seeks out the perfect weight. I trust my body and spirit to find and maintain my ideal bodyweight.
I have the self-control necessary to easily find and keep my bodyweight in the perfect range.
Today, I am grateful for the body I have been given.
I choose to eat in a healthy manner and exercise regularly.
I love my body and am happy with the way I look.
I am the perfect weight for me.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Am I eating in a healthy manner that will support my weight goal?
2. Do I get regular exercise?
3. Am I grateful for my body? What are some of the amazing things my body can do?
Best of health, wealth & happiness to you,
Reggie Cochran