Sunday, September 29, 2013

Abundant Energy

Each day I wake up with abundant positive, physical & mental energy.
This positive energy stays with me for as long as I need or want it.
This energy allows me to accomplish all task in record time & ease.
My mind stays fully focused and alert to the most important activities of my day.
I am not distracted by outside negative activities, people or events.
No matter how physically or mentally demanding my day is, I have more than enough energy to get me through it.
Every day I function at peak physical & mental levels.
My body serves me, thus allowing me to serve others in need.
My body is a blessing to me & I am a blessing to others.
I take care of my body & my body takes care of me.
Best of health, wealth & happiness to you, Reggie Cochran

Friday, September 27, 2013

TGIF Affirmations

Affirmations For Friday....
Thank God It's Friday!
Thank God I'm Forgiven!
Thank God I'm Free!
Thank God I'm Fit!
Best of health, wealth & happiness, Reggie Cochran

Thursday, September 26, 2013

I Release Myself From Anger!

I release myself from my anger and let go of the past.
I am leaving my past behind. I am only concerning myself with today and the future because my future is so inviting and full of possibilities.
The more I focus on today and the future, the easier it is to release my past.
I am free of anger and doubt as I start down a new path.
The past only exists in my mind and thoughts. I have control over both. By releasing the past, I free myself to enjoy my future.
By focusing on today and tomorrow, my past is unable to influence the choices I make today.
The things I choose to focus on affect the quality of my life.
My life and the lives of those around me get better when I release the past.
Forgiveness is strength. By forgiving those who have wronged me in the past, I open myself up to greater possibilities and opportunities in the future.
My past only influences my present if I permit it.
I am free of the past and I am free of my anger.
I choose to live in the now, where all things are possible.
Today, I am free of anger.
I choose to feel gratitude for my blessings and look forward to a bright future.
Today I rise above my previous thoughts and habits.
Every day, I let go of the past and raise my expectations for the future.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How does focusing on my past affect my present?
2. Am I willing to let go of my anger and start living again?
3. What are some things I need to let go of?

Best of health, wealth & happiness to you... Reggie Cochran

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Today is the most important day of my life, so I will not waste it!
I realize that today is a gift & a blessing & will make sure that I take advantage of every single second of it.
Today I will enjoy people & things around me.
I will share my time, energy & knowledge with those I like & love to help them have a better day.
I will have fun at work.
I will make time to play.
I will enjoy everything I do today.
I will take time today, to plan my activities for tomorrow.
I will take at least one positive action step today, that will move me closer to my dreams & goals.
I will do at least one good deed today, that will help make this world we share a better place.
Best of health, wealth & happiness to you... Reggie Cochran

Monday, September 23, 2013


This week is going to be AWESOME!
I will recognize and seize every great opportunity that is presented to me.
I will be blessed in every area of my life. And in return, will be a blessing to others.
Each day, I will be healthier, wealthier & wiser than the day before.
Each day, I will be happier than the day before & I will share that happiness with others.
I will fill my mind & emotions with positive mentoring & motivation that will help me accomplish my goals as quick as humanly possible.
I will talk my walk & walk my talk every minute of every day.
Best of health, wealth & happiness, Reggie Cochran

Thursday, September 19, 2013

I Am Supportive To My Family!

Being supportive to my family means providing a shoulder to lean on.
I love my family. I reaffirm that love every chance I get.
My promise of unconditional support is something I stand behind, regardless of circumstances.
My family members are confident that they can rely on me. In all scenarios,
I offer my assistance tp my family. I know that whenever I need their help, they are always around. That trust goes both ways.
In situations where tough decisions need to be made, I give advice. My suggestions may sometimes be unfavorable, but it is my job to be honest.
I know my family members appreciate my honesty. I strive to maintain it whenever I am asked for input.
I am confident that my emotional support goes a far way.
I am happy to provide a shoulder to lean on whenever my family needs support.
Even through discord, I remind myself of my duty as supporter for loved ones. I am vigilant about that duty. It is something I take as seriously as any other task.
I endeavor to end any disagreement with a hug of support and love.
Today, I commit to paying attention to the needs of my loved ones.
I understand that my support can sometimes come in the form of a listening ear. 
I treasure my role as supporter.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Can I sense when a family member needs my help, even when it isn't said?
2. How well do I support my family when I also need support from them?
3. Do I usually give wise advice?
Best of health, wealth & happiness to you, Reggie Cochran

Monday, September 16, 2013

I Decrease My Debt.

I am on a mission to decrease my debt.
Each day, I challenge myself to minimize my spending so I can apply my expendable income towards paying down my debts.
Decreasing my debt provides me with instant gratification and peace.
I buy the store brand and utilize coupons when grocery shopping.
I pay off my outstanding balances first, rather than spending that money on unnecessary things.
Not only am I helping myself by decreasing my debt, but I am also forming a better future for my family.
I am disciplined with my spending habits and paying off all my debts in record time.
Today, I write my checks to pay off my debt with joy and excitement.
I am reaping the emotional and financial benefits of working toward a debt free lifestyle.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. In which areas can I afford to minimize my spending?
2. How do I visualize my life when I am fully debt-free?
3. Am I comfortable hiring a financial planner to assist me in my journey?
Best of health, wealth & happiness to you... Reggie Cochran

Saturday, September 14, 2013

I make do with what I have.

I am content with what I have.
My personal happiness and the happiness of my family are far more important than material things.
Each morning, I wake up to a lovely home.
I feel grateful for the things that I have.
I refrain from thinking I can buy happiness with money.
Luxuries are just extra icing on the cake. Sure, I enjoy luxuries when I can, but they are unnecessary for my happiness.
I banish negative thoughts and comparing my life to others that have greater financial means. I
 have plenty of abundance in my life and am grateful for what I have.
I am a humble person with a clear vision of what is important.
I am thankful that I have been blessed with the basic necessities.
Even in these tough economic times, I am surviving just fine and that is all that matters.
Today, I allow my inner priorities to guide my life, rather than material conquests.
I am content with my life and make do with what I have.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Do I try to impress others with my ability to purchase luxury items?
2. Why do I care what other people think of my economic status?
3. How can I be content with what I have?
Best of health, wealth & happiness to you... Reggie Cochran

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

9-11-01 Affirmations

Today I will not let the negative emotions of 9-11 hinder me in any way.
I will use my personal feelings of this day to motivate me even greater to make the rest of my life, the best of my life.
I will not let fear hinder me from flying, driving, going out in public or conducting any other activity I need to in order to accomplish my dreams & goals.
I will honor the lives of those lost on that tragic day by paying it forward with several good deeds today.
I will do everything in my power to help make this world a better & more peaceful place.
Today I will be more determined than ever to design, create & live the ultimate lifestyle of my choice.
Best of health, wealth & happiness to you... Reggie Cochran

Monday, September 9, 2013

Wisdom & Knowledge

Today I will learn something new that will bless me.
I will apply what I learn to my best advantage in as many areas of my life as possible.
I will cheerfully share what I have learned with others, which will increase my blessings.
I love to learn & will continue to keep an open mind about the new knowledge that I am
blessed to learn.
The more I learn & apply what I learn, the healthier, wealthier, happier & wiser I become.
I learn from my daily actions & have the wisdom to know whether I need to repeat those
actions or make adjustments.
I value wisdom & knowledge more than silver or gold because I know that with the right
wisdom & knowledge, I can obtain all the silver & gold I want or need.
Best of health, wealth & happiness to you... Reggie Cochran

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Healthier, Wealthier & Wiser

Today I am healthier, wealthier & wiser than I was yesterday.
Tomorrow I will be healthier, wealthier & wiser than I am today.
Every tissue, organ & cell of my body is totally healed, whole
and working at peak performance levels.
Every disease, germ, virus, bad bacteria, poison, allergen &
contaminant dies instantly when it touches my body.
It does not matter whether I feel like it or can see it, I am healed.
Every good activity or venture I participate in, prospers.
Each day I learn something new and how to apply that knowledge
to something in my life to make it better.
Each day my blessings multiply & share those blessings with others.
The more I share, the more I am blessed.
Best of health, wealth & happiness to you... Reggie Cochran

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I am open to new business opportunities.

Because I strive to be financially fit and responsible, I am willing to try different kinds of work to earn money.
I keep my eyes open to any new business prospects that might come along.
I am prepared to benefit from golden opportunities to increase my income whenever they arrive.
One of my goals is to be financially secure. Therefore, I am ready for any chance to do business with others.
Whether the new proposal is related to my life's work or just a novel business opportunity that comes along, I am ready and willing to consider all prospects.
When an occasion to earn extra dollars presents itself, I examine it and ensure I fully understand all aspects of it. I weigh the pros and cons. Then, I make a decision. If I decide to accept the offer, I follow through with whatever I must do to make it profitable.
Any venture might lead to bigger business possibilities in the future.
I never know who I might meet or what skills I might gain that can benefit me. So I stay aware and open to all prospects
Today, I am willing to invest some time into looking at new business opportunities and considering them with an open mind, adventurous spirit, and optimistic attitude.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Am I open to new business opportunities?
2. What are my concerns or fears about taking a chance on a possible venture?
3. How much time or money am I willing to invest in new opportunities?
Best of Success to you... Reggie Cochran

Sunday, September 1, 2013

I Don't Quit Until I Cross The Finish Line.

I only "quit" when I have successfully completed a task. And in such situations, the word means taking a moment to relish my success.
Having achieved what I set out for, I can now rest and be pleased with myself.
If exhaustion, anger or despair seem to bring me close to quitting, I pause for a moment and catch my breath. However dire things may look, I know I can always come out ahead, so I choose to win instead of quit.
I have the resources to see anything through to the end. I have resolve, staying power, and great inner strength that allow me to keep going. I can work through, around, or over anything.
There is always a way because I always have the will.
I believe that quitting prevents me from living up to the desires of my Creator.
I was made with strengths perfectly suited to the challenges that arise in my life.
My strengths define me and I am able to push through any situation.
Today, I approach each challenge with my eyes on the prize.
I don't let what-ifs and maybes distract me along the way.
I believe in my abilities to overcome them and press on, because I am a winner.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How do I motivate myself to persevere?
2. Am I convinced that I have what it takes to do anything I aspire to?
3. Are there times when I am hard on myself because I feel challenged to complete a task? How could I be more supportive?
Best of health, wealth & happiness to you, Reggie Cochran

I Conquer Destructive Habits.

My inner desire to always feel at peace wins in all circumstances.
My challenges serve as fuel to keep me moving forward.
I know that success is my destiny - today, tomorrow, and the next day.
When I am tempted to combat negative actions with negative reactions, I stop in my tracks.
I recognize that fueling the fire only encourages unpleasant feelings and contributes to broken relationships.
Because I enjoy positive relationships, I do what I can to nurture them.
I acknowledge that whatever angers me, conquers me, so instead I choose to conquer any desire I may have to react negatively.
I dispel the urge to shout, curse or say unkind words. I replace those behaviors with soft answers and patient understanding.
I realize that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. That law of physics dictates how I react and respond because I know I will receive what I give.
Today, I firmly put aside any destructive habits that may tempt me.
I bid them farewell because I know from experience that healthy, beneficial behaviors feel much better.
I like the results I get from being positive and strive to cultivate that experience in all situations.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How much influence do my loved ones have on my destructive habits?
2. In what ways can my example of constructive behavior help others around me?
3. How do I feel when I take the high road?
Best of health, wealth & happiness to you, Reggie Cochran