Saturday, August 31, 2013

My Body Heals Quickly And Easily!

I am constantly amazed by the ability of my body to heal itself.
I feel fortunate to have such great healing abilities.
Though I visit the doctor when necessary, my body is usually able to repair itself.
I give my body what it requires to be healthy and I am rewarded with great health.
I can sense what my body needs for healing.
I respond quickly to provide those requirements.
I understand that I play a major role in my healing and wellness.
I support my body's efforts to heal by getting the proper amount of rest.
When I am particularly tired or have a challenging injury, I give my body the extra rest it requires.
I strive to only eat healthy foods and give my body the exercise it craves, as these actions also contribute to healing and repair.
When I do become ill, I recover very quickly.
Illness is rarely a part of my life.
I am accustomed to great health and a body that heals quickly and easily.
I am truly blessed.
Today, I enjoy great health.
I appreciate my body's ability to regenerate quickly and repair injuries and illnesses.
I help my body in the best ways I can by adjusting my lifestyle to support its needs.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Do I provide my body with the proper nutrition and rest it needs to heal quickly?
2. How do I support my body's needs?
3. What can I do to ensure I heal easier and more quickly in the future?
Best of health, wealth & happiness to you, Reggie Cochran

I Embrace Success.

I work smart & I establish networks of supportive people at work and at home.
My eyes are constantly open for new opportunities
I worry less about how much I am getting paid for a particular job and think more about how the experience of the work could benefit me.
I keep my résumé current, adding jobs and accomplishments as I go.
I set small goals and meet them quickly so I can continually build momentum to my long term goals.
To me, embracing success is not just a challenge; it is exciting, fun, and part of my every-day experience!
Keeping myself open for new accomplishments brings fascinating possibilities into my life.
My life is beautiful because I am open to opportunity.
Today, I choose to embrace success.
I step forward and accept everything good that comes my way because I know I can turn good opportunities into great successful ventures.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Do I keep myself open to success?
2. What are my fears about embracing new opportunities that come my way?
3. Is there something I am doing to prevent myself from being successful? How can I be more accepting of success?
Best of health, wealth & happiness to you, Reggie Cochran

Cheerful Giving Makes Me Rich!

I am blessed because I love to bless others. Rather than give because I am rich; I am rich because I give.
Having money and being rich are two very different ideas. The grandness of my wealth cannot be measured by standard measurements.
My wealth is of substance and value because it is everlasting.
A large home, an expensive vehicle, and all the luxuries in the world pale in comparison to the feeling I get when I meet a need. The things money can buy are temporary, but the joy of giving lasts a lifetime.
Seeing the expression of gratitude and relief in the eyes of a person I have helped is worth more than anything money could buy. By helping others, I become rich in love and relationships.
I give extravagantly, expecting nothing in return. I give to people in need and to people who I simply want to bless. When I purchase gifts for friends, I give thoughtful gifts of high quality.
I get energized about doing something kind for someone else.
My heart is full and my household lacks nothing when I share what I have.
I look for organizations and individuals whom I can help. From local schools, classrooms, and churches to national non-profit organizations, I do my part to support the noble work of others.
Today, I choose to open my eyes and my wallet to help someone else. I enrich my own life by giving to others.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How does giving enrich my life?
2. Who can I give to today?
3. Why is giving better than taking?
Best of health, wealth & happiness to you, Reg